Thursday, 16 October 2008

Yvonne Eve Walus

Yvonne Eve Walus wrote her first poem when she was 4 and her first short story when she was 9. She made up fictional situations in in her head and played them out as far back as she can remember. Her first publishing success (a short story in a local magazine) came when she was 22. Yvonne has lived on three continents and her work reflects the wealth of her cultural background. Her crime fiction is published in USA and in Britain, and it includes “Murder @ Work” which is set in the tumultuous and exotic South Africa. Please visit Yvonne on or South Africa in her “Murder @ Work” and discover what life is like when you are prohibited by the law to own a house or have medical insurance. Yvonne’s books are available on Amazon and Fictionwise.

An Interview wiht Yvonne:

What inspired you to write "Murder in the Air" (part of the Making Changes anthology)?

I like reading and writing murder mysteries in the "cosy" Agatha-Christie-style sub-genre. I also like setting my stories in South Africa, where I lived for beautiful and sunny 16 years. The idea for "Murder in the Air" (and what follows is NOT a spoiler) came to me in an aeroplane one night, when it occurred to me how vulnerable the sleeping passengers are....

What other material do your normally write?

Check out "Murder @ Work" (Echelon Press, 2004) and "Murder @ Play" (Echelon Press, upcoming in 2008) - they are both murder mystery cosies set in South Africa.

What made you become a writer?

I wish I knew, so that I could put a curse on whatever it was, because sometimes I would like my leisure time back! Of course, other times I cannot imagine being anything else. I guess I simply like writing. The other day, I told a fellow novelist that if I didn't get paid for writing, I would do it for free... heck, I'd even PAY for the privilege! Which writers do you admire?
Minette Walters, for all the important controversial issues she writes about within the pages of her murder mysteries.
Terry Pratchett, for his quirky mind.
Jocelyn Jackson, for the beauty of her words.

Tell us something about your writing routine.

11pm till 2am. I'm not kidding! With two small children and a day job....

Do you have a favourite place for writing?

Straight onto the computer - I don't have time to write long-hand. I have a lovely office and when I look up from the keyboard I see green New Zealand ferns and the grey-blue sea.

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